Ben Hauck's Marathon Training Tracker Archives

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Jul 1: Injury!
--On Thursday, June 21st, I believe 5 years and 1 day after I injured my right knee because of osteochondritis dissecans, I felt a pain in my groin area during a run. A run the next day led to more pain, such that come Saturday, I couldn't run but 90 feet before stopping. Last week I saw a sports medicine doctor, and it seems I have a case of something along the lines of osteitis pubis and/or piriformis syndrome.

So, I'm on anti-inflammatories, physical therapy, and for good measure, a cane, in the next month. My doctor said it was okay to do the elliptical (ha) as well as bike. I'm not sure given the pain--which is situated below my left buttcheek where the bone meets the socket--that I will be comfortable enough to bike. But the anti-inflammatories do seem to work a bit, making me forget I have a condition. However, it's still there, and I feel it mostly when I walk outside, go up an incline, ascend stairs, or get up from a chair. I probably could be tricked into running across the street, but I'd rather not risk it.

Still no word on the NYC Marathon, though hopes are not dashed. However, after running 50+ miles a week for a couple weeks and now moving to no running, I'm not sure I'd be able to have enough time to meet my goal of 3:09 in the NYC Marathon this year. If I do get running soon (I'm not allowed to run for a couple of weeks), it will be pretty tough I think. But we'll have to see!