Ben Hauck's Marathon Training Tracker Archives

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Oct 31: ~3 miles in Astoria (1.5 laps)
--My right leg (particularly around my ankle) was a little problematic, as I felt shin splits and even a couple spat of buckling in my ankle. I'm not too worried, as I think this happened because earlier in the week I wore my bad shoes that cause these problems. This run was one I intended to do last night, but because of the work I had to get done, I pushed it to this morning. It was 59 degrees with 67% humidity and sunny. I was trying out what I think I'm wearing in the marathon, which is predicted to have a high of 73 degrees! One more light run tomorrow and then the race on Sunday .....

Oct 29: 6.3 miles in Central Park (1 lap)
--Better run this afternoon, running my 6.3 miles in 47:15--shaved off 20 seconds from my prior timed runs. This is probably my last 6.3-mile run before the marathon Sunday, as I'll be shaving off some more mileage to "taper." A last-minute decision not to run last night because a) it was getting chilly in the dark, and b) I just wanted to read rather than run, was forgiven by today's longer-run-for-this-point-in-training. It's not even advised that an advanced marathoner run 6.3 miles at this point of training, but I feel good and it feels good for my self-esteem--it's not as if I'm tired. The weather was damp from a lot of rain this morning, 57 degrees with about 90% humidity, so it wasn't a very chilly run. I think if the temperature really is going to be nearly 70 degrees for the race, I will wear a wicking tank top rather than my svelte body armor. Boo, not liking the look of the tank top, but keeping cool is important to me.

Oct 26: 12.4 miles in Central Park (2 laps)
--This is my last long run before the marathon. Which is in one week! I had a great run today, if not the fastest. I ran the first 6.3 miles in (oddly) the same time as the other day--47:35--but what I don't get is that I added a faster pace and more sprinting ... it may be that I used a different stopwatch? Not sure. Oh well. After I finished that lap, I stopped for less than a minute to adjust the new stopwatch, evaluate whether I wanted to go on, and I did. I didn't pressure myself for the second lap, which I did with pretty good strength and pace; I did that next 6.1 miles in 49:01, stopping in there for about 30 seconds to refill my water bottle. I calculate today's run to equal a 7 min. 45 sec. mile, which I'm fine with ... after the marathon in 2001 was done, I ran an 8:59 mile (I'm sure I won't be able to maintain 7:45 the whole race, but hopefully I'll have strength farther into this year's marathon). A 7:45 mile would mean I'd finish the marathon in 3 hours, 23 minutes, but expect me more in the 3:30-4:00 group. The weather for today's late-morning run was cool if a little humid (around 65 degrees with about 90% humidity). I saw Jessica Ecklund running also in the park--I just did a student film with her, and she and her fiancé/my pal James are also doing this year's marathon. I'm feeling better about this upcoming race! Wish me luck: this week, the shock of what's before me will be gradually more and more overwhelming.

Oct 24: 6.3 miles in Central Park (1 lap)
--47:35. Shabby. In 2001 at this time in training, I was running 6.3 around 44:30. BUT, there are (sad) reasons I'm in the 47's and not the 44's! In 2001, I was timing myself closer to the end, finding ways to speed up my 10K's; this year, tonight was the first time I really timed my 10K, after a training season of just going for distance. Also, in 2001, I had a much better developed upperbody; this year, I let that slide for the most part, to my detriment. (Not as disciplined with that part of training, but I think I ran more distance this year in training than in 2001!) Today's run felt good, despite deciding near the end of the run that I wouldn't shoot for 12.4 miles and instead just stick with a faster, timed 6.3. The temperature was around 49 degrees, 47% humidity, and clear skies. The only person who lapped me was near his end, as he was sprinting and eventually stopped. I wore running tights, ear muffs, and gloves to keep warm in the cold.

Oct 22: ~6 miles in Astoria (3 laps)
--Well, it officially got cold today. My run tonight was in 44-degree weather (80% humidity, but who could tell??). I wore my running tights and a long-sleeved running shirt, plus ear muffs and gloves--I wasn't too warm either, so that's a mental note. I didn't do 6 consecutive miles, as after mile 2, I had to make a 5-minute hygenic stop at home before going on. (... to be vague ...) It was a slow run, but that's alright to me (kinda) because I did 10 miles yesterday and it was hard to motivate me to actually get outside today because of the after-effects of that run. Plus, I was up at 4:25am this morning. The marathon is closing in, and still I'm not sure how well I'm going to do--will I be able to make it? Mentally, I'm starting to feel better--at least today, I've kinda taken an exponential upward turn. Again, wish me luck!

Oct 21: 10 miles in Central Park (1+ laps)
--Well, just when I thought I was ahead in training, I've fallen way far behind. It feels. Tonight's run was in 64-degree weather, 71% humidity; it actually felt pretty good to run in this weather, maybe a touch warmer than expected. I have been on such an emotional down of late (relationship problems), and I've been carrying a lot of anger. This anger has been compromising my mental energy to run. In Central Park this evening, there were a ton of super-runners who lapped me with amazing speed. I kept plugging on, feeling pretty good at the start of the run, but my strength has left me in this time I've been away from running. It makes me nervous. I did a lap around the park in the dark, then added two lower-loop laps and then the feeder road again for 10.0 miles. This may be my last longer run until the race, which is so soon. As I said, I'm nervous. I'm afraid my mental energy is not going to be there for the race, and I won't be able to finish. I need to get my mind in shape. I'm thinking of seeing a shrink to get some of my life in order emotionally--can't say that that'd help me in time. If you pray, pray for me please.

Oct 17: ~2 miles in Astoria (1 laps)
--My girlfriend was in town over the week, and I did not run. I am depressed. While exercise is supposedly helpful when you're depressed, so is working through your emotions. That takes your mind and heart. As does running. And it's hard to go anywhere running when your mind and heart are somewhere else, dedicated to something else. I ran slowly my lap this morning, in 51-degree overcast weather. The marathon is very soon, and I will be in the mountains the next few days, probably not running. I am in awe and scared and depressed. What a time. Wish me luck and wish me peace and self-improvement.

Oct 9: ~4 miles in Astoria (2 laps)
--Yuck. I had wanted to get in a run yesterday, but my day was taken up standing much of the day on a set. I pushed yesterday's run to this morning, when it was 64 degrees and humid (74%). It was not fun. I had hoped for 3 laps, and only did 2 because my pace was so slowed down by the humidity and general running weakness, probably still attributed to the long, long run on Sunday. (I had knee pain in walking on Monday and Tuesday, even having to limp a little bit! O, the stuff I put myself through!) At the end of today's run, I had shin pain in my right leg--I should be careful with that, and make sure I'm wearing good shoes during the day. Well. At least I'm back running. I'm behind by a week on the training schedules--I am "fine" if I pull out a run like last weekend, this weekend. Not sure that I can do that! We shall see.

Oct 5: 18.5 miles in Central Park (3 laps)
--PAIN. This afternoon's run was the second-longest run I'd ever done. And it felt better, stronger than last weekend's long run, which had the same goal of 3 laps in Central Park but my mind wouldn't let me. The weather was ideal running weather (55 degrees, 50% humidity) with a light breeze and sunny. I felt strong through my first 13.5 miles I'd say, after which I got slower but my mind didn't fail me. The only stopping I did was for 30 seconds to refill my water bottle in mile 10, although my last few strides were nearly a fast-walking pace. The pain that resulted from the run was excrucitating, nearly nauseating, centered in each upper calf and in my buttocks. Today's run was the first in quite some time that I'd felt at times like attacking hills, going up them with strength and speed. If I can keep running this week (which may be tough for a lot of mileage), I will feel pretty confident about my place in training. I have no idea what my time is as I don't time myself--maybe I should do that for my next long run? I don't really care. I mean, I have a goal of 3:30, which seems unachievable given the kind of runner I am, but if I keep up my current training, I should, I think, easily beat my 2001 time. I will likely be on rest the next couple days, not doing much running at all except a 2-miler. Fingers crossed that tomorrow's legs feel fine, with no difficulties developing overnight from today's run! (I'm on 2 ibuprofen after the run, and BOY! was I hungry in the last few miles!!)

Oct 2: ~6 miles in Astoria (3 laps)
--Tonight I got a strong run in, the distance I wanted to. The temperature was the coldest in quite some time (52 degrees, 46% humidity) with a steady wind for much of it. My legs felt worked, and my stride seemed slow but steady. I feel as if for now I'm conditioning my mind more than my body. Only a mile or so into the run, I was wrestling with whether I should go 4 or 6 miles, even though I wanted to go 6. It's times like those that make me say running is more mental than physical--I have to convince myself to keep going, or sidetrack my mind from the strong desire to stop dead in my tracks! I may take a day off tomorrow, or I may aim for 6 miles--I'm hoping to do a really, really long run over the weekend, probably Sunday. We. Shall. See.

Oct 1: ~8 miles in Astoria (4 laps)
--A great run for my mind, I got through 8 miles despite some pain. My knees, especially my left knee, were feeling kinda swollen after about 6 miles, but a little adjustment of my stride and I was stretching them while running. This run yielded some good information: After the last run (14.4 miles in CP), the next morning I woke up a strange sensation in my right Achilles tendon area, as if a muscle was twisted on top the tendon and popping back in place! I took some ibuprofen thinking maybe it was caused by swelling, and with some stretching the scare disappeared. I had no difficulty running despite that Achilles episode. (Research into it yielded that I may have an accessory soleus muscle--quite the "rare anatomical variant" in a human--which might explain why my lower right leg bulges where my left does not.) The weather was nearly perfect at 58 degrees with 66% humidity at night, with a light sprinkle just avoided.